
Social commitment

We are a family business linked to the land and committed to the environment and society.

From our beginnings we knew that we had to and wanted to get actively involved with the world around us. Improving people’s quality of life and supporting groups that launch initiatives that benefit everyone has been one of the pillars of our corporate social responsibility.

In addition, at AGROPACO we are committed to offering our customers ethical, safe and respectful products with the environment and with you as an individual.

Call it corporate responsibility or common sense, for us it is the same and we put it into practice both in our processes and in taking care of our products and the professional team that makes us great and competent.

Siglas RSC con imágenes de fondo

Security and health

We create a PREVENTIVE CULTURE beyond formally complying with current legislation. We ensure the health and safety of all the people who make up our family.

We want to highlight the projects in which we have been involved from start to finish, on road safety and psychosocial risks and that brought us recognition for our work.

We were awarded the National Mutua MAZ 2021 Healthy Company Award and the SME 2020 Award in the category of healthy companies, awarded by the Alicante Chamber of Commerce, which recognizes companies that encourage the dissemination of good practices and that serve as an example in the field of occupational health.


We are committed to integration and diversity, actively developing gender equality and family reconciliation policies. As an example: 70% of the middle and upper managers of our headquarters are women, placing them at the head of the sector in this area.

Reconocimientos y premios para la empresa Agropaco
Premio Nacional Mutua MAZ Empresa Saludable


Our products are born from the land and, as is logical, we feel closely linked to it and to the need to work for a sustainable world for all. The efficient use of resources and respect for the environment is our priority.

Similarly, our organization has launched innovative projects such as Phytobac, a technological innovation that prevents point and diffuse pollution derived from the excess water from the application of phytosanitary products, and Baydiversity, which involves biodiversity in our production farms.

Imágenes referentes a la biodiversidad y medioambiente
How do we do it?
Our farms have systems for harnessing rainwater, optimizing irrigation and for the efficient supply of nutrients to our crops.
We improve irrigation systems, cultivation techniques and develop more sustainable crops.
We improve biodiversity and pollution prevention.
We make use of certified good practices that include solarization and natural pollination.
Our packaging plant has LED technology and in order to reduce carbon emissions we work with returnable packaging pool systems, weight reduction, as well as a photovoltaic installation for self-consumption.

Our products are certified in Water Footprint and we calculate our Carbon Footprint, improving year after year in this aspect.

Collaboration with Huergur

The Huergur Association is a non-profit organization, established in 2017, for the defense and conservation of the environment.

Huergur and Agropaco collaborate closely in the dissemination of sustainable eco-experiences and in the generation of environmental awareness.

Agropaco y Huergur en el día mundial del medio ambiente


As a result of this effort to protect the environment, Agropaco has been recognized with the UPA “Sustainable by Nature 2020” National Award, as well as the 2019 SME EXPANSION National Award, in the environment category.
Premio sostenibles por naturaleza
premio expansión pyme

Local social action

We place Corporate Social Responsibility at the center of our business culture and strategy.

We have launched a multitude of projects involved in the development of the Sustainable Development Goals, promoted by the United Nations, actively collaborating with neighbors, associations and Public Administrations of the province.

We are a company closely related to the land we farm and the people who make it possible.

Colaboramos en proyectos sociales promovidos por Proexport, +Brócoli y 5 al día.

Composición en instagram de proyectos de acción social
logos colaboradores
Shall we work together?
Our products of great taste and quality reach all Europe, now they can reach your business so that your customers can also enjoy them.