Connection with naturalness
Sustainable agriculture
It is that connection and bond with the natural environment that makes us responsible and respectful of the environment and leads us to care for and preserve where we come from.
We carry out a multitude of initiatives that allow us to make efficient and sustainable use of resources, minimizing the impact of our activity.
We have drawn up a Biodiversity Conservation Action Plan (PAC), facilitating the survival of native flora and fauna on our farms as an “Oasis of Biodiversity”, favoring the appearance of beneficial auxiliary fauna to combat pests.
We take advantage of rainwater and reuse process water. We have set up a water quality analysis laboratory.
Energy efficiency
We have gradually replaced the combustion handling elements with electric forklifts. We have replaced the lights with more efficient LEDs, on and off systems with presence detectors.
We have eliminated more than 5 kilometers of metal fences and we have managed to eliminate old electrical and telephone lines, with a positive effect on the safety of people and birds.
Waste management
We use a pool of reusable containers and returnable pallets. We have replaced materials in containers and have reduced the weight of the containers, eliminating unnecessary inks and serigraphs. We pack in bulk and have eliminated self-service packaging.
Smart farming
Using sensors we carry out the monitoring and analysis of environmental parameters in our farms that contribute to improving productivity and optimizing resources.